Kazakhstan Biathlon Union for pure sport! 

Since the founding of Kazakhstan Biathlon Union, the main principle of the organization has been to support clean sports and protect athletes from the use of prohibited substances.

In 2003, the International Biathlon Union (IBU) adopted the World Anti-Doping Code, drawn up by the World Anti-Doping Agency, known as WADA for short. The IBU is subject to the World Anti-Doping Code and cooperates with WADA in all matters of its application and implementation.

Also, the National Olympic Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan closely cooperates with the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). Thus, work with WADA goes in all directions: through the NOC of the Republic of Kazakhstan and through the IBU.

Since 2007, the IBU has been using ADAMS, WADA's centralized online program that helps the IBU coordinate anti-doping testing based on the whereabouts of athletes tested by the IBU; coordinate testing with other ADOs; plan targeted testing; conduct blood passport testing and transparent processing of results based on WADA laboratory results. Starting from the 2017/18 season, all athletes of our National Biathlon Team are registered in the ADAMS system. This implies constant notification of the system about its location and the delivery of regular analyzes and samples.

Since 2018, SBC has increased its work in the direction of anti-doping activities. During the preparatory season, SBC organizes and conducts anti-doping seminars in conjunction with the Kazakhstan National Anti-Doping Center to educate athletes and coaches about the importance of anti-doping procedures, as well as familiarize them with the rights, duties and responsibilities for the use of prohibited drugs. Also, at these seminars, the full list of WADA's prohibited drugs and substances is announced, which is supplemented and changed from year to year.

Small FAQ list

What is doping?

Anti-doping rule violations include:

  • Presence of a Prohibited Substance, Metabolites or Markers in an Athlete's Sample
  • Use or Attempted Use of a Prohibited Substance or Prohibited Method
  • Refusing or avoiding sample collection without valid excuse after receiving formal notification.
  • Lack of information about the whereabouts of the athlete and missed tests
  • Tampering or attempted tampering at any stage of doping control.
  • Possession of substances or methods prohibited in sports.
  • Distribution or attempted distribution of prohibited substances or methods.
  • Prescribing or attempting to administer a Prohibited Substance or Method to an Athlete.
  • Complicity or Attempted Complication by an Athlete or Other Person.
  • Prohibited Collaboration by Athlete or Other Person.
  • Acting on the part of the Athlete or other person to prevent or retaliate for reporting a violation to the appropriate authorities.
  • The Anti-Doping Rules include the Prohibited List, ignorance of which will in no way be an excuse for violating them.

Registered Testing Pool

The Registered Testing Pool (IBU RTP) consists of a minimum of 30 men and 30 women, selected based on the previous year's World Cup and IBU Cup final results. These athletes are required to comply with the whereabouts requirements of the International Standard for Testing and Investigation.

Under certain circumstances, other Athletes may be added to the IBU RPT in accordance with the IBU Anti-Doping Rules.


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